Command List

# Command Used in Description
1 .help say Show the command list. In fact you're using it right now
2 .score say Show current scores
3 .dmg say Show dmg inflicted/received. Enabled when player dies in Live mach. It will be shown when round ends too
4 .ignore say It shows a menu to block chat messages incoming from an annoying player
5 .mute say It shows a menu to block voice communication from an annoying player
6 .need say It sends a request to the servers closest to your location to complete the match
7 .interchat say Usage: .interchat <msg>
It sends a chat message to all servers associated with the game server location
It can also be used directly by pressing the "i" key " as long as it is bound like this: bind "i" "showbriefing" in the console
8 .votekick say It shows a menu to kick a player from your team. At least 4 votes are required
9 .timeout
say Vote for a match timeout at the start of the next round. At least more than 50% votes of team required. (Up to 2 per half and the duration is 60 secs)
10 .gg
say Vote for surrender and lose the match even if team is winning
11 .lang say It will change the server interface to the choosen language. Take in count that the change will affect other servers too
12 .awards say It shows a MOTD with the current awards until now.